Certified Lactation Support Counseling
Ice Breaker
Upon arrival, I introduce myself and explain my certification training through Empire Lactation and how I can further assist in any lactation support and share my own experiences and struggles with it.
An hour long visitation including a lactation viewing, background and Q&A format is presenting for any and all concerns or issues presented and how to help mend, cater to, and fully assess the issue if any to the best of my abilities.
Whether its a referral to an IBCLC, a set schedule of check-ins, or a selection of products and remedies to help assist in the lactation, State of Integrity is a certified lactation support counselor with first hand experience towards a part of the birthing/postpartum experience that isn’t talked about enough.
All CLSC visits are $150 hourly and can be added on to other services with a $50 discount.